Andreas Baader Assault (2025)

1. After the attempt at Lod and the arrest of Andreas Baader

  • Le Monde of May 26 [1972] entitled its editorial “Bombs in Europe.” Since then, the attack on the airport at Lod, the arrest in Germany of Andréas Baader, ...

  • Le Monde of May 26 [1972] entitled its editorial “Bombs in Europe.” Since then, the attack on the airport at Lod, the arrest in Germany of Andréas Baader, one of the principal leaders of the Red Army Faction, has been front-page news. The bourgeois press and the press of the reformist workers’ movement yelp in unison and denounce the specter of terrorism. The label is handy. Through the classic procedure of the amalgam they are able to get around the fundamental problem of revolutionary violence, which is posed with new acuteness at a time when imperialist genocide is being unleashed in Vietnam, when torture is systematized by the government in Brazil, and when even the French bourgeoisie begins to arm its hired killers of the SAC [Service d’Action Civique – Civic Action Service] and CDRs [Comités de Défense de la Républic – Committees for the Defense of the Republic]

2. Who were Germany's Red Army Faction militants? - BBC News

  • 19 jan 2016 · Andreas Baader is being arrested in Frankfurt in June 1972. Image source, AFP ...

  • The BBC News website looks at the long terror campaign waged by Germany's most notorious far-left urban guerrilla group - the Red Army Faction.

Who were Germany's Red Army Faction militants? - BBC News

3. Andreas Baader - Duitsland Instituut

  • Bevat niet: assault | Resultaten tonen met:assault

  • Andreas Baader (1943) hoort samen met Gudrun Ensslin tot de oprichters van de RAF.

Andreas Baader - Duitsland Instituut

4. Germany's RAF terrorism — an unresolved story – DW – 03/10/2024

  • 10 mrt 2024 · Andreas Baader was convicted and imprisoned for his involvement. His escape from prison in 1970 marked the birth of the RAF. The most ...

  • Left-wing terrorism once shook the Federal Republic of Germany. The Red Army Faction emerged from the radicalized student protest movement in the 1960s and '70s.

Germany's RAF terrorism — an unresolved story – DW – 03/10/2024

5. WEST GERMANY: Guilty As Charged - Time

6. Slaughterer's embrace | Germany - The Guardian

  • 27 sep 2008 · On 18 October, 1977, Baader, Ensslin and Jans-Carl Raspe were found dead or dying in their cells: Irmgard Moller lay injured by stab wounds.

  • From the archive: June 28, 1987: Neal Ascherson reflects on the legacy of the Red Army Faction and praises an insightful account of their terror campaign

Slaughterer's embrace | Germany - The Guardian



  • Abstract

8. Andreas Baader (1943-1977)

  • In 1969 Baader and his then girlfriend Ensslin were caught and sentenced for an arson attack on a large department store in Frankfurt. In May 1970 Baader ...

  • Andreas Baader was probably one of the most famous terrorist leaders of the 1970s and is still well known today.

9. Attacks by the Red Army Faction (RAF) 1972, 1976 and 1982

  • At the beginning of the 1970s Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Ulrike Meinhof and others formed a “guerrilla” group committed to violence. After robbing a ...

  • Die Goethe-Universität ist eine forschungsstarke Hochschule in der europäischen Finanzmetropole Frankfurt. Lebendig, urban und weltoffen besitzt sie als Stiftungsuniversität ein einzigartiges Maß an Eigenständigkeit.

10. Rote Armee Fraktion - Chronology of events - Social History Portal

11. Andreas Baader - Timenote

  • Berndt Andreas Baader (6 May 1943 – 18 October 1977) was one of the first leaders of the German left-wing militant organization Red Army Faction.

  • Berndt Andreas Baader (6 May 1943 – 18 October 1977) was one of the first leaders of the German left-wing militant organization Red Army Faction, also commonly

Andreas Baader - Timenote

12. Andreas Baader | German radical - Britannica

  • Other articles where Andreas Baader is discussed: Munich massacre: Attack on the Olympic Village: …Israeli prisons, the release of Andreas Baader and Ulrike ...

  • Other articles where Andreas Baader is discussed: Munich massacre: Attack on the Olympic Village: …Israeli prisons, the release of Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof of the Red Army Faction from German prisons, and the provision of an airplane to fly them to a safe destination in the Middle East. While negotiations were ongoing, a planned rescue attempt had to be called off when it…

Andreas Baader | German radical - Britannica

13. Spoiled Boy Baader — The Baader Meinhof Gang - Crime Library

  • Born in Munich on May 6, 1943, Andreas Baader probably could not even remember his father, historian and archivist Berndt Baader.

  • The Baader Meinhof Gang, the infamous German terrorist group of the 60's and 70's

14. Andreas Baader | Historica Wiki - Fandom

  • Andreas Baader (6 May 1943-18 October 1977) was the leader of the Red Army Faction along with Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin, and a group of other leftists ...

  • Andreas Baader (6 May 1943-18 October 1977) was the leader of the Red Army Faction along with Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin, and a group of other leftists in West Germany. His group was responsible for numerous attacks in West Germany during the Cold War. Andreas Baader was born on 6 May 1943 in Munich, Bavaria to a father who was missing in action with the Wehrmacht during the Great Patriotic War front of World War II. He dropped out of high school and became a criminal before forming the Red

Andreas Baader | Historica Wiki - Fandom

15. Daniela Klette of Baader-Meinhof gang remanded in custody | Germany

  • 7 mrt 2024 · The Baader-Meinhof gang, named after early leaders Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof, took up arms against what it saw as US imperialism and ...

  • Klette, 65, allegedly took part in three violent Red Army Faction attacks in the 1990s

Daniela Klette of Baader-Meinhof gang remanded in custody | Germany

16. Transcript Released of Sartre Visit to RAF Leader Andreas Baader

  • 6 feb 2013 · French star philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre's visit to Andreas Baader -- the top terrorist of Germany's Red Army Faction (RAF), the radical left- ...

  • Jean-Paul Sartre's meeting with RAF leader Andreas Baader was long considered to be one of the philosopher's great missteps. A transcript of the meeting, which has only now been released, shows the Nobel laureate actually wanted to persuade him to stop murdering people.

Transcript Released of Sartre Visit to RAF Leader Andreas Baader

17. The myth of Baader-Meinhof | Workers' Liberty

  • 4 dec 2008 · Andreas Baader is a domineering, loud-mouthed, cynical, macho misogynist, with a penchant for violence as an end in itself. ... attack on a ...

  • Review of the film: The Baader Meinhof Complex This film traces the history of the German “Red Army Fraction” (RAF) from its origins in the predominantly student protest movement of the late 1960s through to the prison suicides of its remaining leaders in 1977.

18. Red Army Faction – DW – 09/05/2007

  • 5 sep 2007 · ... Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin and Jan-Carl Raspe. From their cells, they continued to control the armed battle.

  • In its 28 years of terrorist activity, the Red Army Faction murdered 34 people. Among the most dramatic was that of Hanns Martin Schleyer, President of the Federation of German Industries.

Red Army Faction – DW – 09/05/2007

19. Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof -

  • Andreas Baader (1943-1977) and Ulrike Meinhof (1934-1976) were the best known founders and leading members of the West German "Red Army Faction" (RAF).

  • Andreas Baader and Ulrike MeinhofAndreas Baader (1943-1977) and Ulrike Meinhof (1934-1976) were the best known founders and leading members of the West German "Red Army Faction" (RAF). Acting as Communist urban guerrillas, their names were joined by the media to make the popular designation of the "Baader-Meinhof Group," which West German police classified as a terrorist organization of violent anarchists. Source for information on Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof: Encyclopedia of World Biography dictionary.

Andreas Baader Assault (2025)
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