‘Tartan Tavistock’ gender clinic will still treat more than 1,000 children (2024)

A Scottish child gender clinic dubbed the “tartan Tavistock” by critics will still treat more than 1,000 children and young people who believe they are trans, despite banning self-referrals, it emerged today.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) said the service operated from its Sandyford Gender Identity Clinic in Glasgow would now require patients to be referred by a clinician.

The change would ensure patients were supported and placed appropriately on waiting lists, the health board said.

The changes also affect the adult gender service for the west of Scotland.

However, the ban on self-referrals will not apply to more than 1,000 children and young people already on the waiting list.

A recent review found that nearly half of children and young people on waiting lists for the clinic were self-referrals (49 per cent), with only 30 per cent referred by their GP. The remainder came from other sources.

NHS chiefs were under mounting pressure to remove self-referrals following the publication of the Cass review into gender identity services for children in England.

Dr Hilary Cass, one of the UK’s most eminent paediatricians, found that the evidence for allowing young people and children to change gender was built on weak foundations.

This prompted the Sandyford Clinic to announce that it would also no longer prescribe “gender-affirming hormones” to new patients aged under 18.

SNP ministers accepted the review’s findings “where we feel they should apply in a Scottish context” and published a report in July from senior clinicians about the implications for Scotland.

This recommended that “access to services should be by referral from a GP after an initial assessment as would be the case for a referral to any other child or adolescent specialist service”.

It added: “This means that self-referral would not be available as is also the case with other specialist services.”

Dr Emilia Crighton, NHSGGC director of public health, said: “Ensuring that our patients have the appropriate support and care they need is a priority for us and updating this referral process enables us to do that.

“Gender patients will now be referred by their GP, CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services), or adult mental health service clinician.

“In doing so, they are also advised of self-care and signposted to the appropriate support while they wait for their first gender service appointment.”

She said this would ensure “we have an accurate background for them and can immediately plan the most appropriate path of care”.

Fiona McAnena,of human rights charity Sex Matters, said: “This is an overdue and welcome change. People with gender issues should receive the same standards of care as everyone else.

“Ensuring referrals can only be from suitably qualified clinicians will help protect vulnerable people, especially children and young people, from activists.”

Campaigner Maggie Mellon, founder of Evidence Based Social Work Alliance, said: “While it is welcome news that there will no longer be self-referral to the Sandyford for or by children, the NHS in Scotland has yet to acknowledge the findings of the Cass report.

“The Sandyford needs to be stopped from accepting any referrals until their work and the outcomes for children they have socially and medically transitioned has been subject to a transparent and robust review.”

Meghan Gallacher, the Scottish Conservative deputy leader, said: “I welcome this sensible and pragmatic decision from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

“To protect the health and wellbeing of vulnerable young people, it’s right that only a doctor should be able to refer them to gender services for potentially life-changing treatment. This policy change should reassure both parents and young people that their best interests will always be served.”

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “We welcome the work NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are doing on referral pathways into their adult and young people’s gender services - bringing them in line with the other gender identity clinics in Scotland.

“As a result, these services will no longer accept self-referrals and will require a referral from a clinician, for instance a GP, to access the services. This change will ensure both services have any clinical information they need prior to a patient’s first appointment and the referring clinician will also be able to make sure that the person referred receives care for any other health problem they may face.

“Anyone already on the waiting list for either of these services, whether they were referred by a clinician or self-referred, will not be impacted by this change.”

The Sandyford has been branded the “tartan Tavistock” as its critics say it follows the same “affirmative” treatment model as the London clinic which closed in scandal in 2022.

The Scottish clinic’s methods are based on American guidelines denounced by Dr Cass as “lacking developmental rigour”.

Its adult service accepts users from Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Ayrshire and Arran, Dumfries & Galloway, Western Isles, Forth Valley and Lanarkshire NHS boards and from the Argyll and Bute area.

‘Tartan Tavistock’ gender clinic will still treat more than 1,000 children (2024)


Why was Tavistock Gender Clinic closed? ›

The watchdog noted that Gids did not always adequately manage risk; that consent was not recorded routinely; and that some staff “felt unable to raise concerns without fear of retribution”. In some cases, it said, “there was no clear rationale for clinical decision making”.

What is the Tavistock children scandal? ›

In the clinic's 35 year history, it has treated over 9000 children for gender dysphoria, but there are concerns that potentially hundreds of people, under the age of 17, were rushed into taking hormones, commonly known as “puberty blockers”, without adequate therapy beforehand.

When did Gids shut down? ›

The service closed on 28 March 2024 after serious concerns were repeatedly raised over a number of years by several independent NHS whistleblowers. Launched in 1989, GIDS was commissioned by NHS England and took referrals from across the UK, although it was operated at a Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust site.

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Abstract. Johns Hopkins Hospital established the first gender-affirming surgery (GAS) clinic in the United States in 1966. Operating for more than 13 years, the clinic was abruptly closed in 1979. According to the hospital, the decision was made in response to objective evidence claiming that GAS was ineffective.

Who is the whistleblower for the gender identity clinic? ›

Jamie Reed, who worked at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children's Hospital, penned a lengthy tell-all exposé last year in which she called gender clinics for kids "morally and medically appalling." On "Dr.

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The term “gender dysphoria syndrome” was proposed in 1973, which includes transsexualism in addition to other gender identity disorders. Gender dysphoria is used to describe the resulting dissatisfaction of the conflict between gender identity and assigned sex.

When did gender reassignment surgery start in the US? ›

In the US in 1917, Alan L. Hart, an American tuberculosis specialist, became one of the first trans men to undergo hysterectomy and gonadectomy as treatment of what is now called gender dysphoria. Dora Richter is the first known trans woman to undergo complete male-to-female genital surgery.

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Tavistock whistleblower urges therapists to return to 'ordinary practice' A psychologist who blew the whistle on the discredited Tavistock clinic's child gender service has called for therapists to return to “ordinary best practice” when treating children with gender confusion...

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Dear Gender Spectrum Community, Gender Spectrum is ceasing all direct service programming as of Wednesday, September 27, 2023.

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The Tavistock Clinic provided a model of non-hospital based care and high quality services integrated multi-disciplinary teams. Not long after, the plans for the Tavistock Clinic's new building were approved. The Board's architect, FAC Maunder, began work.

What are the faults of the Cass report? ›

Section 4: The Cass Review misinterprets and misrepresents its own data. Section 5: The Cass Review levies unsupported assertions about gender identity, gender dysphoria, standard practices, and the safety of gender-affirming medical treatments, and repeats claims that have been disproved by sound evidence.

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